This is Elric. Elric was a Valentine's Day gift for Keith in 2002. He spent a month at my house (when I lived with my parents), then travelled up to Manchester, NH, to roost in Keith's apartment. A mere 6 months later he would be returned to my jurisdiction when Keith and I moved in together. Once again I am his primary caregiver. That seems to be fine with him.
The first picture I took wasn't bad - his eyes are really red, but since they're actually red anyway, there's no need to fix them. He comes to the edge of the cage normally when I approach. I give him a lot of treats, so when he sees me approaching he knows he's going to get something good.
He must have thought the camera was a really big treat...
Once he realised there were no yummies for him, he retreated to his house. The spends 18 hours a day in this thing. It's the best hampster/gerbil house I've ever seen.